Any suggestions for a D CG package

5 replies [Last post]
Z Cheema
Joined: Nov 17 2003

Can any one suggest an easy to use 3D Computer Graphics package, for a complete beginner in this field. Some tutorials would be helpfully or beginners site would be helpfully to start.


[This message has been edited by Z Cheema (edited 07 January 2004).]

Z Cheema
Joined: Nov 17 2003

fingers crossed

Joined: Aug 27 1999

Can you give us more of a clue as to what the end result you're looking for is?

3D CGI covers everything from a bit of smoke in the background to spinning titles to animated figures to the Starship Enterprise: there are complicated programs which will do all of these, or simple ones which will do one of them.

What are you trying to do?

Joined: Oct 19 2000

how much have you got to spend will also
determine what you can get as they ain't cheap

System 1: AMD X6 2.8, M4A79 Deluxe, 4GB DDR2, ATI HD4870 1GB DDR 3, 2TB total drive space, Matrox RTX 2, Premiere Pro CS4

System 2: AMD X2 5600, M2NPV-VM, 2GB DDR2, Geforce 8600GT 256 DDR 3, 450GB Total drive space, RTX100 with Premiere Pro 2

Camera's: JVC HD200, JVC HD101, 2X Sony HC62

Z Cheema
Joined: Nov 17 2003

thanks for the replies, I am looking at 3d stuff, books opening, simple characters.
Any cheap software to get me going to try and an understand of it first and see how I get on.
i do remember a free on once, but never understood it.

harlequin's picture
Joined: Aug 16 2000

books opening is done wonderfully by Canopus Xplode - photoalbum effect

Hollywood fx can do the same thing.

human characters is a different thing.

the free one was probably 'BLENDER'

Gary MacKenzie ( an account only used for forum messages )

Thinkserver TS140 , 750ti Graphics card  & LG 27" uws led backlight , Edius 8

Humax Foxsat HD Pvr / Humax Fox T2 dvbt