DV Now V Pyro DV

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Joined: Sep 5 2000


At present I am using the Pyro DV card with Mediasudio Pro 6 on a PII 300, 320mg 4 & 40 gb HD, with Win98se. Everything is working a ok.

I have been offered a Fast DV.Now for £80.

Is this a good price?

How does the Fast fair against the Pyro?

Can I still use MSP 6 or is there dedicated software for it?

Can I still do that external monitor preview thing i do with my Pyro?

Is there a website I can find out more?

Thank you


What's to become of us.... What is to become of us?

Joined: May 1 1999

Yes , excellent price...third of the original...Dv Now works , (using the latest software, ver 6) with both Premiere AND Uleads MS Pro... yes you can see external preview using a monitor.