fast dv codec +after fx

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Joined: Aug 22 2000

Are there any plans to make the fast dv codec compatible with other applications? The fact that it only works with premiere can be a bit limiting. In my course I also use programs like After FX and Combustion and any video I capture at home has to be re-rendered so I can use it in these programs.This tends to be very time consuming.

Joined: Dec 4 2000

THE FAST DV codec is compatible with applications that can use Quicktime. Files in the FAST codec will be detected as Quicktime files.

FAST UK Technical Support

Joined: Feb 9 2001

it is not true, all file import with .dif change to .mov are not detected as quicktime file. the same message is : " it's not a quicktime file"

quote:Originally posted by FAST:
THE FAST DV codec is compatible with applications that can use Quicktime. Files in the FAST codec will be detected as Quicktime files.

FAST UK Technical Support

Joined: May 1 1999

The dif file in either its quicktime mov format or native dif format IS NOT RECOGNIZED by adobie after effects. Fast should check these things out before giving answers here.
You need to convert the file to another avi codec which will result in quality loss and which totally defeats the object of capturing in DV in the first place!!
The DV Now is a great card BUT unless Fast/Dazzle get their act together and write Plug-ins for the dif file to work with other software, this card will quickly die in the water.
I for one have already got rid of my Fast AV Master card because it does not even work with Microsofts latest operating system Windows 2000!!

Joined: Dec 4 2000

Yes, the dif format is recognised by After Effects. We have tested it.
It works when using software version 1.5, After Effects 4.1 and Quicktime 3.0 (although it should also work with Quicktime 4 and soon Quicktime 5).
What you are probably doing wrong is changing the file extension to .mov. Just import the .dif file into After Effects without changing it and it will automatically detect it as a Quicktime file. Also, make sure you use version 1.5 of the software.

FAST UK Technical Support

Joined: May 1 1999

SORRY. I DO APOLOGISE! I was importing ALL FORMATS, instead of importing ALL FILES and so After FX couldnt see the dif file!!

Joined: Feb 9 2001

it's true you can import .dif file but how can we export a .dif file to keep the same quality ???

quote:Originally posted by FAST:
Yes, the dif format is recognised by After Effects. We have tested it.
It works when using software version 1.5, After Effects 4.1 and Quicktime 3.0 (although it should also work with Quicktime 4 and soon Quicktime 5).
What you are probably doing wrong is changing the file extension to .mov. Just import the .dif file into After Effects without changing it and it will automatically detect it as a Quicktime file. Also, make sure you use version 1.5 of the software.

FAST UK Technical Support

Joined: May 1 1999

Load up the Comp 1 (created in After FX) in Premiere and export using the Fast DIF DV codec.

Joined: Aug 22 2000

Thanks for everyones help.After posting my first query I discovered that i could bring in difs if I inported them into afterfx as part of a premiere comp. Still cant get them into combustion though.Any thoughts?

Joined: Feb 9 2001

sorry, but how can we do this ???
i am french and i don't anderstand the answer, how can we load up the comp 1
thank you

quote:Originally posted by allan:
Load up the Comp 1 (created in After FX) in Premiere and export using the Fast DIF DV codec.

Joined: May 1 1999

Je SUIS TRES desolie?? ERR its been 30 years since my French O-level...ahhh thats when o-levels were o-levels, not the namby pamby exams of today...oops I digress.. sorry my French isnt good enough to talk you through it but if you offer me a free week at your chataux I will sort it out for you.

Joined: Feb 9 2001

pas de probleme, il faudra juste que tu fasses 8 000 kms pour venir en guadeloupe, cest la que j'habite !!!
mais tu es le bien venu si le chemin ne te fais pas trop peur
see you soon

quote:Originally posted by allan:
Je SUIS TRES desolie?? ERR its been 30 years since my French O-level...ahhh thats when o-levels were o-levels, not the namby pamby exams of today...oops I digress.. sorry my French isnt good enough to talk you through it but if you offer me a free week at your chataux I will sort it out for you.

Joined: May 1 1999

Merci bien, mais, je me suis trompe de route et j`allai Guadalajara,Mexico!! Je n`arrive pas a le comprendre!! et maintenant je suis perdu!! Zut alors!!

Joined: Aug 22 2000

I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how to load up the comp1 from afterfx into premiere? I cant figure out how to do it.

Joined: Feb 9 2001

i agree with you, could allan explain this !!!

quote:Originally posted by gbarbour:
I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how to load up the comp1 from afterfx into premiere? I cant figure out how to do it.

Joined: Feb 9 2001

guadeloupe is a french caraibe isle near portorico

quote:Originally posted by allan:
Merci bien, mais, je me suis trompe de route et j`allai Guadalajara,Mexico!! Je n`arrive pas a le comprendre!! et maintenant je suis perdu!! Zut alors!!

Joined: May 1 1999

When you are happy with the finished work in After FX, you MAKE MOVIE and ensuring that the settings in the CUSTOM option have the correct sound and screen size,you render the file and it gets saved as COMP1 (composition number one). You quit After FX and load up Premiere. Import footage it on the time line and export movie, ensuring that the DV Now settings are selected...simple!

Joined: Aug 22 2000

Thanks for your help Allan, much appreciated

Joined: Feb 9 2001

not so easy, what are the compressor you chose.
the fast dv codec is not avaible ant the quiktime dv1 codec make the render verry bad.
thank you for your elpp

Joined: May 1 1999

NO COMPRESSION CODEC.....Pick windows avi and FULL FRAMES UNCOMPRESSED....the files are huge , but once loaded into Premiere and outputted with the DIF codec they are a lot smaller.

Joined: Feb 9 2001

the file is to big, 1 Go for 30 second. i prefere use boris red 1.5 or hollywood fx in the timeline of premiere.
i have read that premiere 6.0 is compatible with filter of after effect, it will be perhaps the solution
thanks a lot for yours support