fast dv now lite drive problems

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Joined: Feb 1 2001

hello, i've had this problem for a while now, i've got two hard drives c:/ and d:/ (dv now lite is install on c:/ along with win 98 os)

when i choose to use the d:/ drive as the drive to capture video to, the playback of the video footage isn't smooth like it is on the c:/ drive.

the d:/ drive has 40 free gigs and is am ata 100 7200 rpm

has anyone had this problem before? or would know how to solve it?

thanks in advance.

Joined: Jul 29 2002

Check if your drive d: is in DMA mode, if it is, check if you plugged it correctly to the Ulra ATA 80 pin cable, master drive should be connected in the end connector of the cable, slave in the middle connector. I had same problem, this worked.