Initial settings to export files

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Kevin M
Joined: Mar 27 2001

I have digitized about 10 minutes of clips and edited them in Adobe Premiere and now want to export as a file I can copy onto a cd. I exported a Quick Time .mov file with 75% quality with JPEG-A compression and ended up with a Quick Time movie of 2.5 gigs, 1 hour export time, and not great quality to boot. Can anyone suggest good preliminary formats for export with file sizes I can put on a cd. My capture card is and I know those settings are coordinated with Adobe Premiere somehow, but am still at a loss on how to combine all the different formats for good quality and reasonable file size. Thanks for any info.

Joined: Dec 4 2000

The video format most commonly used for CD's is probably MPEG-1. The problem is that Premiere on its own does not have the ability to export to MPEG-1. Recently, and AV have been bundled with Ligos LSX-MPEG, but if you have an older, then you would not have got that.
You could buy an additional piece of software to convert to MPEG-1. The most popular ones are Ligos LSX-MPEG, Darim DVMPEG and Terran Cleaner.
Alternatively, you could continue using Quicktime, but select lower quality settings to make the file enough.

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