Moving Star Field

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perproductions's picture
Joined: Jan 2 2008


I am trying to find a looping clip of a moving star field, as if you were moving thorugh space.

I have found one here

But im working on low budget!! FREE!! does anyone know of anywhere i might lay my hands on one!!

Or ideas of how i might make one. Its to play on 32" TV as part of a local theatre groups show, part of the set!

any info would be great.

Dugi's picture
Joined: Jul 2 2009

There's a photoshop tut here.
Then just zoom and loop it in your NLE or AE.
- or better still, try Particle Illusion. Give me a shout if you're stuck.

Dugi's picture
Joined: Jul 2 2009

Just had a play with CC Particle World in AE.
Set the Producer x and y Radius to 1.0 and Physics gravity to 0

Dave R Smith
Joined: May 10 2005

This may enable the required recording, if budget permits:

Plan B:
I think it was Buck Rogers end titles where I was convinced the camera was pointing up from under a shower with an adjacent light source pointing up, and the whole thing slowed down.

Plan C:
As Dugi says stills should work, I haven't checked the link but having multiple layers with nearer layers having more zoom to main spacial perspective should be easy and fun.

Make it so.;)

paulears's picture
Joined: Jul 8 2008

If it's for forbidden planet - or some other show, then a real star field might be just a black screen from a distance, when I did that show we had to make the stars really big to be seen from the back. Close to, it was very 'cheap', and unrealistic - but from 20 feet or more away looked good. We found a star field screen saver, that worked fine - but just didn't work from a distance. In the end we did 30 secs of photoshopped blobs and zoomed it then blended that with another and repeated a few times - with transparency it looked fine.

mooblie's picture
Joined: Apr 27 2001

Any way of screen-capturing the (moving) Windows starfield screensaver?

Martin - DVdoctor in moderation. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

Z Cheema
Joined: Nov 17 2003

Sony Vegas has star field you can animate, I could make one for
Give me duration and format required.

perproductions's picture
Joined: Jan 2 2008


Thanks for all the info, i have managed to find a clip i might use but i think i might try and make something, will give me a chance to have a play with AE.
