panning across a 3D photo

9 replies [Last post]
Joined: Jun 14 2006

I've seen this technique in a recent documentary and wondered how to achieve it; the camera pans over a still photo with some characters in the foreground and some more in the background. As the shot tracks over the photo a different perspective is revealed and we see behind the people in the foreground (hope I've explained this correctly). I guess it must be achieved with layers but how does the 3D effect work?

Z Cheema
Joined: Nov 17 2003

It's all in the wrist action...

items are cut out and moved at diffrent rates and blurred as rquired... so gives the 3d efect

Joined: Nov 19 2005

Z said it right, very succinctly. :)
Peeps often use AE for that kind of work, and tons of tutorials on the technique out there. I do it in Vegas sometimes.

Uses masks

Joined: Jan 9 2001

Can it be done in Premeir 6.5 and if so, are there tutorials for it.



There's only one eF in Ferguson

I now seem to spend a lot of time arguing with inanimate objects

Joined: Nov 19 2005

surely yes

do the cutting out in photoshop, then animate layers in your NLE

Joined: Jan 9 2001

Thank you fuddam.
I will try to find a tutorial.

There's only one eF in Ferguson

I now seem to spend a lot of time arguing with inanimate objects

Joined: Sep 4 2007

Hi, i was doing somthing similar a few days ago in AE and photoshop, taking 2d photos, distributing to 3d layers and animating. Andrew Kramer has done a really easy to follow tutorial here
There's almost a hundred of these turuotials now, and they are a must for getting into this stuff!!!

Joined: Jan 9 2001

Great tutorial but will have to watch it a few times.
A bit vague though on how to move the completed project it into and animate it in 6.5.


There's only one eF in Ferguson

I now seem to spend a lot of time arguing with inanimate objects

H and M Video
Joined: Jun 5 1999
R. Ferguson wrote:
Great tutorial but will have to watch it a few times.
A bit vague though on how to move the completed project it into and animate it in 6.5.


After completion of project you can create a Movie in AVI format and import into Premiere.


PC Specialist 3Gz Dual Core, Premiere CS3, Encore CS3, After Effects CS3, Matrox RT.X2, Panasonic HD HS-300, Z1E & PMW-EX3 Cams.
Now with a PC Specialist Quad Core i7-3770, 16GB RAM, 180GB SSD, GeForce GTX560 Ti Graphics Card, Blu-Ray & DVD R/W Burners and can't wait to set it up. Now up and running.  What a difference in Blu-Ray footage.

Joined: Jan 9 2001

I'll work on that later Harry.

Cheers. ;)

There's only one eF in Ferguson

I now seem to spend a lot of time arguing with inanimate objects