Premiere 6

8 replies [Last post]
Joined: May 1 1999

If I upgrade to premiere 6 from version 5.1, will it work with the dv now card and if so to install it , will I have to remove the card first and then install premiere and then the fastforward software ???

Joined: Dec 4 2000

You should install Premier 6.0 and then the drivers. The version 1.6 drivers which will be compatible with Premier 6.0 are not available yet.
You will be able to upgrade to Premiere 6 soon:

Customers who bought a product after 11 November 2000 will get the upgrade to Premiere 6.0 free. Those who bought it before that date will be charged, but the price has not been decided yet. This offer will only be available when Premiere 6.0 is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch, the languages that is available in. We hope to launch this offer within the next month. The version 1.6 drivers will be released to coincide with the launch of the upgrade offer. Please watch this space for another announcement soon.

FAST UK Technical Support

Joined: Dec 24 2000

You couldn't make that 31/10/2000 could you?

Joined: May 1 1999

Thanks for the update, but when version 6 does appear, are you saying that on a system where dv now is already installed with premiere, I will have to re-install the new updated Fast software over the existing version after Premiere 6....and if so , is this likely to cause all my IRQs to do a re-shuffle?? As I had such a headache getting it all set up to work nicely originally.

Joined: Jan 2 2001

I see that the USA Dazzle site implies that the Premiere 6.0 upgrade will ship soon after March 15 (in the USA). Considering that drivers are from Dazzle/FAST in Europe, is this a reasonable date to expect the 1.6 (Beta?) drivers to be posted, at least for NTSC systems?

Joined: Jan 2 2001

I see that there is a Beta driver for Premiere 6.0 in the Beta Software section of downloads on the dazzle-europe web site. Note the warnings in the readme file first to be sure you want to try it, ther are limitations in the driver.

Joined: Mar 5 2001

Has the Prem 6 upgrade offer been made via dazzle-europe ? I have seen nothing on the dazzle-europe site. Is the upgrade available via the States?



Joined: Jan 2 2001

The offer is on Dazzle's USA website in the Sizzle\Rebates and Upgrrades section. Should be shippng about now. Not sure what the upgrade policy will be in Europe.

Joined: Dec 4 2000

Adobe Premiere upgrade

Dazzle Europe GmbH have announced that the upgrade to Adobe Premiere 6.0 is now available to users in the UK. The cost is £25, including VAT as well as handling, packaging and shipping from Dazzle Europe’s head office in Germany. Customers who purchased a or AV between 11.11.2000 and 06.04.2001 will be able to get the upgrade at this hugely preferential price.

The following information is required for your order to be processed:
- Your name, address, phone number, email address
- Serial number of the Adobe Premiere 5.1 full version (upgrade from 5.1 LE
is not available)
- Which product you have - or AV.
- The name of the retailer you purchased the product from, the date of purchase and the order number/invoice number. This offer in NOT valid if the product was purchased before 11.11.2000.
- Credit card details for payment. Please provide the credit card number and expiry date. Payment can only be accepted by credit card – only Mastercard/Eurocard and VISA are accepted. The price of £25 will be charged to your card.

Please send this information by one of the following methods:
- E-mail (
- Fax (020 8968 3715)
- Phone (09062 160 180, 25p/min line)

Please place your order as soon as possible, because this offer will be available for a limited time. Thank you for buying a and for upgrading to Premiere 6.0!

FAST UK Technical Support