SP1 for Premiere 6.0 compatibility

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Joined: Dec 4 2000

We have just officially released the Service Pack 1 for version 1.5. This Service Pack contains only Adobe Premiere 6.0 support for DV.now lite, DV.now and DV.now AV. This
version is now working with NTSC as well
but contains no other bugfixes. Please install this Service Pack, if you
want to use Adobe Premiere 6.0 only. This Service Pack 1 is for the 1.5.206_B and 1.5.207_A driver. If you use an earlier version,
you can download 1.5.206_B and 1.5.207_A from the internet

Please pay attention on the following limitations compared to the earlier
Service Pack 1 which was already available in our beta software section:

The mouse flickers in the Record- and Program window (Windows 2000
It can be solved when you disable the mouse shadow. ( System properties > Mouse > Pointers)

Error Dialog : " Error occurred during batch capture"
This Dialog is shown when analog Input is activated and you try to start a batch capture. Batch capture is only possible when digital input is activated.

Dialog Box Project settings
If you change settings in: Project settings > advanced settings > Inlay settings and press the OK-Button you can access the timeline without closing the Project settings Dialog Box.

Message occurred when Clip speed is changed
When you change the speed of a clip, a timeline warning is shown. You have to set a tag at "Don't show this message again". If you do not set this tag, the message will be
shown each time a clip is moved.

Using Frame Advance/Reverse controls in Movie Capture window. When using this function, it might happen, that the tape is moving forward / reverse more than one frame (2-3 frames).

FAST UK Technical Support