Upright video

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Dugi's picture
Joined: Jul 2 2009

I've been asked to make a simple slideshow of 7 stills onto a DVD. The 7 stills are all upright and will be displayed on a monitor which is 1366(H) x 768 (W) pixels. I've never done this before and not sure where to start. Is there software that can be set to create a slideshow at these pixel dimensions?

mooblie's picture
Joined: Apr 27 2001

If it's a DVD, it "has" to be landscape, so I assume the monitor is actually going to be (permanently) mounted on its side? In which case, do the whole thing sideways?

Martin - DVdoctor in moderation. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

Joined: Nov 19 2005

Sony Vegas Pro has a specific setting for vertical video - been around for a while - though haven't used it myself. Simply change the project properties and you're good to go



Dugi's picture
Joined: Jul 2 2009

Thanks Fuddam. Digital Signage was what I should have remembered and I forgot Vegas could do that.
Heres a piccy of the monitor concerned mooblie. Judging by the LG logo at the bottom it doesn't appear to be side mounted.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

mooblie's picture
Joined: Apr 27 2001

So it's a computer-driven portrait display? ...driven from SWF or QT files, not DVD-Video. Ignore what I said then! :D

Martin - DVdoctor in moderation. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

Dugi's picture
Joined: Jul 2 2009

Yea sorry Martin. The DVD delivery thing seems to have been a Red Herring.
I'm accumulating info in a rather piece-meal fashion but I'll post back when I finally solve this.
Thanks again to Fuddam.The Vegas "90° clockwise" worked a treat.