Hi. I'm new here, hello to you all. I have Vegas Pro 8 and to me it is rocket science lol. Can someone please advise me how to insert a cutaway shot to the timeline under the original soundtrack. I don't want to add the cutaway shot and have that soundtrack playing. I am using the Vegas Pro 8. Also, how do I add music over a whole video track. Thank you.
Would that be Peachy as in Peter the shop in the Stow?
When look at the program always look from the top down, that is what is shown on the preview, so if you have one clip on the tL that is all you will see, if you add a shorter clip above the one you added you will see the original clip then the one you added then back to the original one.
If there is sound with the new clip (inserted bit) the grab the top of the audio clip and drag it down and that sound will disappear.
I am rubbish at this, have a look in youtube there some nice tutorials there for beginners
Try the "HOW DO I", the little pointing finger..
Hi Cheema. Yes it is Pete. Thanks for your reply, but I'm still in the dark. I'll take the laptop I'm on on and put it next to the other computer that has Vagas on and see if I can work it out. Hope all is well with you.
1) add a new video track (CTRL SHIFT Q)
2) drag the cutaway shot to that new track
3) it will bring along its own audio track with it
4) delete that new audio track
EDIT: the soundtrack
1) use Explorer (inside Vegas or in windows) to find the soundtrack file
2) drag it to the timeline, below all other existing tracks. It will create a new track
3) trim as needed using either end of the clip
I knew you would take the challenge Adam...
jus' doin' maw jawb, Paw
OR, if you select the clip you want from the trimmer, make sure when you highlight the clip, to locate your mouse pointer in the upper quarter of the clip (above the dotted line), this will select video only, mouse pointer in the lower quarter selects audio only.
Thank you to you all. I think I have cracked it now. I appreciate your help.