What cameras were used for Long Way Down/Round

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Joined: May 9 2007

I wondered if anyone knew what the cameras were that were used to make the entertaining programme with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman, Long Way Down and Round.
The guys were seen using mini cams for video diaries and helmet cams. They had Claudio their companion biker who filmed on a small cam by the look of it and two cameramen with the support team. Was this HDV? or similar small hi def format. I know the BBC are using FCP for editing and perhaps this crew also used Apple laptops. I tried finding out what the kit actually was, but drew a blank. If anyone can shed light on it, it would be very interesting to know.

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Joined: Jan 2 2008

they didnt edit on the road. they took all the rushes around with them because there was a part of the Long way round where they nearly lost a case full of months of filming!! the director spoke about how if they lost the case there would be no program.

I think long way round wasnt hdv, they looked to bes using small minidv camcordes for there diaries. Claudio i think was using something like the sony a1e..not sure what its model before was. but was of similar size.

helmet cams were some sort of bullet cam they had in there modified helmets.

just my thoughts anyway.

Joined: Nov 19 2005

v1e, Z1 & A1e: http://www.sony.co.uk/biz/view/ShowContent.action?product=HVR-Z1E&site=biz_en_GB&category=HDVCamcorders&contentId=1196773881556&sectiontype=Product&preserveContext=true

helmets: "The technology was developed by Birmingham-based company Sonic Communications especially for the series, which depicted the world-famous Scottish star and his friend, fellow actor Charley Boorman, on their overland trip from London to New York"


Joined: May 17 1999

It was edited on FCP

I gather that they edirted some themselves as an off line and then went into a London post house to finish. They had a few technical difficulties getting the FCP to talk to Avid but it got sorted in the end